Presidents Message
Message from the President
Greetings fellow MTA Members,
I hope that this message finds you all well. It is hard to believe that we have hit the halfway point of the school year. It seems just like yesterday we were getting the year kicked off but here we are. I have only a few things updates for you all.
1. If you have not done so already, please join our right to Fix Tier 6! To do so, visit The more educators from around the state that join this fight, the better chance we have to fix the retirement system for those who are either Tier 5 or 6.
2. Please remember to check your pay stubs and attendance balances. It’s always a good practice to check these, especially if you turned in any master’s +30 course work for payment.
3. As we grow closer to the end of the school year, I’m sure many of you are starting to plan your summer trips. I just want to remind you that the first day back for the 2024-2025 school year will be Wednesday, August 28th for all teachers and all non-tenured teachers will start Tuesday, August 27th. This change happened with the new contract.
As always, I would like to close by thanking you all for taking the time to read my message. Please remember that everyone on the executive board is here for you. When in doubt, ask your building reps so that we can work together to get the answers that you need.
In Solidarity,
Adam J. Smith
Maryvale Teachers’ Association
“Together in Education”